Narrow Knit Binding with No Pins [Tutorial]

Hi everyone. Day two of the Thread Faction SS2016 Blog tour, and don’t worry, I will send you off shortly to check out today’s creations. But first it’s my turn 🙂

I am adding to my new Youtube channel again today, starting off a series of videos demonstrating some basic knit sewing techniques I use in my patterns. I will be posting lots more tutorial videos as well as demo videos on how to sew my patterns on there so subscribe to my channel to get those when they are up.

Narrow Knit Binding


Today’s tutorial shows how to apply the narrow knit binding that is featured in the #104 tank, #107 Tank dress and the #110 romper. When this pattern went through testing, there were a lot of comments that there were a lot of pins/clips involved in getting the binding to behave. So I thought I would post this up to show you how I do it without one pin.

Check it out:

The details: The bindings in the video are 1 inch wide and 90% of the length of the opening plus seam allowances. These measurements are for a lightweight cotton lycra binding, If you use a lightweight rib knit, make your binding pieces 1 inch by 80% of the length of the opening plus seam allowances.

Now that that is taken care of, head off and check out all the other makes and hacks from the tour and win yourself some free fabric from our great sponsors!

The others posting today are:

Made By Sara    Sew Not Perfect    Hello Holli    Whisk ’em

If you use this technique, be sure to grab some pics and hashtag them #SEW4BUB I would love to see your creations!

As always, thanks for reading.

Liz xx

#104 square blog add

5 thoughts on “Narrow Knit Binding with No Pins [Tutorial]

  1. How did I miss this?! Love how you used the mesh for the back of the top. I have plenty left over from my #105 top, so I may have to make #104 like you did!

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